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目前,我们仅支持使用 Patreon 开通订阅服务。

您可以通过任意主流的信用卡或 PayPal 完成支付。









Currently, we only support using Patreon to open subscription services.

You can pay via any major credit card or PayPal.

You can enter keywords through the search bar, or discover new content by browsing different video categories and recommendation lists.

Our content requires registering an account and paying for a subscription before you can view it. Registering an account can help us provide you with more personalized content recommendations and a better user experience. The subscription service ensures that we improve better service quality and video playback speed.

Please make sure your internet connection is stable. You can try refreshing the page or clearing your browser cache.

For users in mainland China, we recommend changing or as the default DNS server for browsing.

If the problem persists, you can report the problem through customer service channels.

Due to the special nature of online video content, we do not provide any form of refund service for the time being.

Please be sure to visit our test video page before activating a paid subscription to confirm that your network environment can normally play the video content on the site.

If you believe that certain content on the platform infringes your copyright, please submit a copyright statement to us through the official contact information, and we will process it as soon as possible after verification.